Internship, carpe diem!
This month again the Pianoforte Group has renewed its interest in young graduates with its presence directly at universities. Mr Carlo Palmieri (CEO of the Group) and Mr Roberto Manzi (Director of the Academy) were at lecture halls to describe the Pianoforte’s history and values. Mr Marco Cosentino (HR specialist) was in direct contact with students: while interviewing them and explaining how to live a work experience in our company, he gained about 300 curricola.
Our cooperation with universities – this time we have been involved in “Young people and work” at LUISS in Rome and in the “Job Day” at Federico II in Naples - not only demonstrates that the values of Employer Branding are really important for our Company but it’s also the occasion to share the Corporate Values which are essential for the Pianoforte’s leadership. These are the same topics that Mr Gianluigi Cimmino (CEO and marketing specialist of the brands of the Group) has recently discussed with the students at Confindustria university, where he stressed the importance to merge skills with human resources.
All students who are interested in an internship can visit the dedicated section in our platform and fill in the form which will only be available for seven days.