Brazil. The new talent awards 2015

One week after the end of the 5th edition of the contest promoted by the Academy of Pianoforte Holding, a thrill about all selections and the award ceremony in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro is still in the air. This competition gives all young Brazilian students attending the Santa Marcelina and Senai Cetiqt fashion schools the chance to fly to Italy and to enjoy the experience of an international internship at the Style Depts. in Yamamay and Carpisa headquarters.
Four winners: two for Carpisa and two for Yamamay, or rather two “cariocas” and two “paulistanos”.
The team named by the Academy for the selection of the projects is made up of some important exponents of the Style Area and of some consultants who have been cooperating with the two companies from several years. It was not an easy task: many creative proposals, many dreams of the participants, their enthusiasm. That’s why the support of the teachers was crucial to take a final decision while considering not only the students’ projects but also their aptitude, character and ambition.
Once the winners arrive in Italy, they have to show their talent and bring something new to the creative teams of the two companies but they have also to be well integrated with the corporate reality and the country that’s hosting them. Cultural and geographical contexts that are so far from the Brazilian ones. For this reason, an aptitude for teamwork, flexibility and relational skills will surely be a plus.
João Pedro is excited about going to Naples and is thrilled with his new experience in Carpisa: "I have never travelled outside Brazil and I’m really happy that my first time will be in Italy because I’m of Italian origin, a twist of fate! I’ll bring with me Brazil’s warmth, spontaneity and art and I’ll add them to this professional adventure… I’m ready for kicking it off! People saw that I did this project to the best of my abilities and that I spent a lot of time for it: I’m satisfied and proud of myself”. Juliana, who will be with him in this internship, says: "I hope to learn many new things in Carpisa and to give my support to the company. The positive feedback of the jury about my project is my happiness! In my opinion, summer is color and prints yet lightness and comfort… summer is happiness for me. I’ll bring with me the lightness that Brazilian people usually adopt to face problems, we always find a creative solution”.
About Julia, who will work for Yamamay, professors say "beachwear is in her DNA, she loves summer, beach, sea and bikinis very much, she really involved us when she was explaining her project, she also showed her talent and creativity. She’ll have a friend to share this Italian adventure, her name is Juliana who can’t believe to have won this contest. Juliana has never travelled outside Brazil and she’s never lived far from her family, so this is a double new experience. "I’ll bring with me some Bonfim bracelets (the famous colourful bracelets made in Brazil) to decorate my new bedroom!” says Juliana while she’s still incredulous. She has also admitted having worked day and night to show her best to us.
Now we can just wait for spring in order to give our warm welcome to the students at our Style Depts. Since they are so skilled and enthusiastic, we’re really curious to see them working synergically with our professional people for the creation of the summer 2017 collections.